Thanksgiving Break


Hey Yall,

Sure hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I managed to run at least twice last week, walk once, and lift once. I figured I wouldn’t get my lifts in and I was ok with that. The walk was a last minute thing that ended up being fun with my hubby, mom, and baby boy. We walked a little over 4 miles and really tested out the stroller. My mom and I ended up carrying the stroller over the gravel because my son didn’t appreciate it. He was trying to sleep and he needed it. The two days prior were exhausting with lots of socializing. He very rarely got to be on the ground to stretch out (the kid is in the 99th percentile for height). He needed his sleep. Don’t get me wrong he did great for being 2 months old and being passed around.

Today I got my run in and only my run. I ended up being pretty busy. I had to get all of our stuff picked up and in the laundry, since we are going on a mini vacation this weekend. Plus I had to take my little guy to the doctor for his 2 month check up. Shots were in the works for him sadly. Amazingly enough, I didn’t cry but I was pretty darn close. Once I got back I ate my lunch and then played with my baby boy. He ended up getting pretty fussy (very out of the ordinary for him), so I fixed him right up. Food is the way to anyone’s heart. Eventually the poor kid fell asleep. 

Then I got to get my run in. I moved on to the next week, even though I only did two runs last week. I could feel it this time for my run. My intervals were running two minutes and walking one. It was definitely noticeable that I didn’t run late last week. Hopefully on Wednesday it’ll be a little easier. But as soon as I was finished I had to shower,  so I could go meet the lady who is going to watch my baby boy. It ended up being quite the busy Monday. 



Hey Yall,

I ran and lifted Monday. I just decided to sleep instead of blogging. Nothing against you guys but I prefer sleep. My run on Monday went well considering I still had 6 intervals. Only this time it was a minute and a half of running and two minutes of walking. Running at the 6mph speed is starting to feel a piece of cake. I’m still not going to increase speed until I get my endurance good and solid. It seems to be coming back rather quickly. My lifts were for my back muscles. Those are always fun to conquer.

He spit up on this within half an hour of me putting it on. 😂

I also managed to barely get my run in for today before leaving for Thanksgiving. It was a little chaotic but you know with having a 2 month old that seems to happen. My run felt super easy and I’m attempted to go up to week three. However, with Thanksgiving I’m worried it won’t work well. Plus then I know I can just have a fairly easy run knowing that I’ve stuffed myself. I thinking weights are not happening for the rest of the week. Between being out of state for most of this week and Thanksgiving in general, it isn’t looking good.

While it has already been a crazy week, at least I got my runs in. 

Say What


Hey hey,

My run went surprisingly well. I don’t know if I was really just that into my show or my body is remembering this whole running thing. Each time I ran it felt easy and I always questioned that I was done already. It was really nice to feel that easy running come back. However, next week my run time increases so we’ll see how I’m feeling then. I was still smart and didn’t increase my running time today or my speed. My goal is to focus on endurance first and then work on speed. I may not be super fast (not that I ever will be) but at least I won’t be hurting myself. Plus yesterday I managed to hit my step goal (it isn’t that high since giving birth) without having to run. I felt pretty accomplished. 

My lifts today were abs, chest, and shoulders. I ended up rushing my last few shoulder exercises because I thought my boy was starting to wake up. Turns out he wasn’t but it is better safe than sorry. For abs my plan had me doing lying leg lifts and bicycles. It also wanted me to go side planks, but I really wasn’t feeling them. The lying leg lifts I could feel working and thought I wouldn’t push it. For my chest and shoulders I did incline bench press, incline flyes, triceps push down, Arnold dumbbell press, seated side lateral raise, and front dumbbell raise. I used all light weight, which made me feel like I was going way backwards compared to what I used to do. I know it is better that way to slowly ease my way back into it but still. My body is all sorts of different since giving birth and it is like I am relearning things about it. I’m also just learning new things about it. 

Movin and a Groovin 


Hey Yall,

I managed to run again. My legs are still a little sore from Monday. It isn’t really my legs persay but my hips. I know it is probably because I gave birth and my hips are stretched out and whatnot. However, once I started going it didn’t really bother me. My baby boy laid in his rock and play and smiled as I went. Towards the end of my run though he fell asleep. My running time was for a 10 minute mile pace. The interval it had me at was 1 minute run and 1 1/2 minute walk, along with a five minute warm up and cool down. My dad had mentioned that I should get back to just lifting. To just do lots of reps with light weight. In my head I knew I was just delaying because I could.

However, I did manage to lift weights today. It was leg day, which is always a fun way to start. So I did what my dad recommended. All my exercises were light weights with reps between 25-30. It surprisingly felt really good to get my muscles moving again. My exercises included: barbell squats, lunges, one legged barbell squats, calf raises, leg curls, and a different version of leg press. I’m sure it’ll be a struggle to walk tomorrow, but it was so worth it.

First Run


Hey guys,

Today I got to run for the first time in forever. It was amazing! I started the couch to 5k plan, which is what I did when I first started running over five years ago. This first week I run for a minute and for a minute and a half. I start off with a five minute warm up and a five minute cool down. In total it only went for 25 minutes. I figure that is probably a good start for the beginning. It was hard to keep my running pace at only a 10 minute mile. My mind wanted to go faster, but I knew better than to push it. I was grateful at the end I didn’t because I was starting to feel it. It wasn’t so much in my legs but I could feel it in my abs. It sounds crazy, but you really do use ab muscles for running.

I also had the joy of going on my first date with my hubby, since my son was born. It was hard leaving him, even though I know my parents are amazing. Hey, I manged to go three whole hours without seeing him. Honestly, my hubby and I did pretty good about not focusing only him during our conversations. He only came up in the beginning, middle,  and end…. No but seriously, we did good about keeping it short when we did. I was ready to see my baby boy by the end of the three hours. Now he’s my snuggle bug as he falls asleep. It was fun to be out with my hubby for the evening. He even got me a new purse and wallet. I do feel kinda bad because he wanted ice cream and we didn’t get any. But I missed my baby boy.

Really thought about buying this for him. It is too big right now.

My dinner was quite delicious. I have leftovers hrs

Three Days Down


Hey yall,

I’ve officially walked three days this week. I was going to go yesterday as well but my baby boy had other plans. Because I knew I only wanted to get in a minimum of three days, I didn’t really push getting a walk in yesterday. I feel like I was busy doing something but honestly I have no idea.

Today I did walk. I managed to get all 30 minutes plus the 5 minute cool down in and a shower before my son woke up. It was great. Since I didn’t have to hold him this time, I got to walk the whole thing at a 4mph pace. It was good to know I could actually go that pace and maintain it. Especially since next week I’m going to try getting back into running. When I first started running I used a couch to 5k program. It worked great and it is easy to tweak to fit my fitness level (right now is none). My goal is to start that next week and see how it goes.  The week after that I’m hoping to add in some weights and get going on that again. I’m trying to take it slow and ease my way back in. Hopefully  it is slow enough. 

Motivation in the Smallest Packages


Hey hey,

Today I walked my thirty minutes again. Unfortunately I didn’t have my husband to watch him for me during it. So during the first 20 minutes of it he hung out in his rock and play watching me.

I managed to walk for those 20 minutes at the 4 mile per hour pace. It felt pretty good plus I had my little boy watching me, which gave me more motivation to keep going. He started getting fussy towards the end of my walk so I picked him up. I started walking with him, while holding him. However, I only walked at a 3.5 mile per hour pace. He got pretty heavy as a baby does. I think I’m going to see if I can find a baby carrier that’ll not get super gross when I walk inside with him. It would be way easier on my arms to not carry him. But hey I managed and it got him to pretty much fall asleep. It was great. When he was still in the womb, he would fall asleep each time I walked as well.

First Post Pregnancy Walk


Hey yall,

Today for the first time in forever, it seems, I got to walk. I mean like a set time on a treadmill that was dedicated towards walking. It was refreshing. Working out has always been my stress reliever and a that makes me feel good. Yes, I realize it’s the endorphins that get released, but it still always makes me happy. My walk was only 30 minutes at a 3.5 mile per hour pace. It isn’t crazy fast, but I didn’t want to push it. Plus since my doctor told me to ease back into, I figured I better listen. I think on Wednesday I’ll try to go slightly faster depending on how I’m feeling tomorrow. Even after my cool down (not that I felt like I got my heart rate up) was over, I felt like I could keep going for another 30 minutes. I’m sure if I did, I wouldn’t be able to walk tomorrow. It was great to get back to working out, even if it is not even close to where I was before getting pregnant.

Quality Time


Hey Yall, 

Today I worked out again, which is because I had the morning off. I worked out my chest and shoulders today. It went really well. My shoulders were burning from lactic acid at the end, so that was fun to deal with. I could really tell in my shoulders that I had basically taken last week off. I did do planks, which work out my shoulders. My chest lifts I managed to go the same amount of reps and weight, which I found very accomplishing. 

Pretty much how 3rd trimester is going

I also got to spend some time with my hubby and my pups outside. We burned a bunch of boxes that we had been gathering because of all the baby stuff we got. While he didn’t talk much (he talks a lot for work), it was still nice to be outside with him. Our pups never left our sides and enjoyed playing fetch. Trooper went down to the pond a few times and enjoyed getting wet then waiting to shake once he got back up to us. My other one was super lovey and enjoyed some snuggles. She did eventually get bored of that and go down to the pond to explore. She didn’t stay down there for long though before coming up and checking on us. 



Hey hey, 

Today I worked out after work, which seems to be working well for me. My exercises today were for biceps and triceps. Those muscles have had a week off and I could tell. I didn’t really increase reps on any of the exercises, except a few. However, it was nice to really work those muscles after having the week off. Yesterday I didn’t work out, since we had to take my hubby’s car in to the shop. We had to drop it off by 7am. I also had a ten hour shift, so there was no way I was working out. This pregnant body would have none of that.