Thanksgiving Break


Hey Yall,

Sure hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I managed to run at least twice last week, walk once, and lift once. I figured I wouldn’t get my lifts in and I was ok with that. The walk was a last minute thing that ended up being fun with my hubby, mom, and baby boy. We walked a little over 4 miles and really tested out the stroller. My mom and I ended up carrying the stroller over the gravel because my son didn’t appreciate it. He was trying to sleep and he needed it. The two days prior were exhausting with lots of socializing. He very rarely got to be on the ground to stretch out (the kid is in the 99th percentile for height). He needed his sleep. Don’t get me wrong he did great for being 2 months old and being passed around.

Today I got my run in and only my run. I ended up being pretty busy. I had to get all of our stuff picked up and in the laundry, since we are going on a mini vacation this weekend. Plus I had to take my little guy to the doctor for his 2 month check up. Shots were in the works for him sadly. Amazingly enough, I didn’t cry but I was pretty darn close. Once I got back I ate my lunch and then played with my baby boy. He ended up getting pretty fussy (very out of the ordinary for him), so I fixed him right up. Food is the way to anyone’s heart. Eventually the poor kid fell asleep. 

Then I got to get my run in. I moved on to the next week, even though I only did two runs last week. I could feel it this time for my run. My intervals were running two minutes and walking one. It was definitely noticeable that I didn’t run late last week. Hopefully on Wednesday it’ll be a little easier. But as soon as I was finished I had to shower,  so I could go meet the lady who is going to watch my baby boy. It ended up being quite the busy Monday. 

Say What


Hey hey,

My run went surprisingly well. I don’t know if I was really just that into my show or my body is remembering this whole running thing. Each time I ran it felt easy and I always questioned that I was done already. It was really nice to feel that easy running come back. However, next week my run time increases so we’ll see how I’m feeling then. I was still smart and didn’t increase my running time today or my speed. My goal is to focus on endurance first and then work on speed. I may not be super fast (not that I ever will be) but at least I won’t be hurting myself. Plus yesterday I managed to hit my step goal (it isn’t that high since giving birth) without having to run. I felt pretty accomplished. 

My lifts today were abs, chest, and shoulders. I ended up rushing my last few shoulder exercises because I thought my boy was starting to wake up. Turns out he wasn’t but it is better safe than sorry. For abs my plan had me doing lying leg lifts and bicycles. It also wanted me to go side planks, but I really wasn’t feeling them. The lying leg lifts I could feel working and thought I wouldn’t push it. For my chest and shoulders I did incline bench press, incline flyes, triceps push down, Arnold dumbbell press, seated side lateral raise, and front dumbbell raise. I used all light weight, which made me feel like I was going way backwards compared to what I used to do. I know it is better that way to slowly ease my way back into it but still. My body is all sorts of different since giving birth and it is like I am relearning things about it. I’m also just learning new things about it. 

Movin and a Groovin 


Hey Yall,

I managed to run again. My legs are still a little sore from Monday. It isn’t really my legs persay but my hips. I know it is probably because I gave birth and my hips are stretched out and whatnot. However, once I started going it didn’t really bother me. My baby boy laid in his rock and play and smiled as I went. Towards the end of my run though he fell asleep. My running time was for a 10 minute mile pace. The interval it had me at was 1 minute run and 1 1/2 minute walk, along with a five minute warm up and cool down. My dad had mentioned that I should get back to just lifting. To just do lots of reps with light weight. In my head I knew I was just delaying because I could.

However, I did manage to lift weights today. It was leg day, which is always a fun way to start. So I did what my dad recommended. All my exercises were light weights with reps between 25-30. It surprisingly felt really good to get my muscles moving again. My exercises included: barbell squats, lunges, one legged barbell squats, calf raises, leg curls, and a different version of leg press. I’m sure it’ll be a struggle to walk tomorrow, but it was so worth it.

Three Days Down


Hey yall,

I’ve officially walked three days this week. I was going to go yesterday as well but my baby boy had other plans. Because I knew I only wanted to get in a minimum of three days, I didn’t really push getting a walk in yesterday. I feel like I was busy doing something but honestly I have no idea.

Today I did walk. I managed to get all 30 minutes plus the 5 minute cool down in and a shower before my son woke up. It was great. Since I didn’t have to hold him this time, I got to walk the whole thing at a 4mph pace. It was good to know I could actually go that pace and maintain it. Especially since next week I’m going to try getting back into running. When I first started running I used a couch to 5k program. It worked great and it is easy to tweak to fit my fitness level (right now is none). My goal is to start that next week and see how it goes.  The week after that I’m hoping to add in some weights and get going on that again. I’m trying to take it slow and ease my way back in. Hopefully  it is slow enough. 

Motivation in the Smallest Packages


Hey hey,

Today I walked my thirty minutes again. Unfortunately I didn’t have my husband to watch him for me during it. So during the first 20 minutes of it he hung out in his rock and play watching me.

I managed to walk for those 20 minutes at the 4 mile per hour pace. It felt pretty good plus I had my little boy watching me, which gave me more motivation to keep going. He started getting fussy towards the end of my walk so I picked him up. I started walking with him, while holding him. However, I only walked at a 3.5 mile per hour pace. He got pretty heavy as a baby does. I think I’m going to see if I can find a baby carrier that’ll not get super gross when I walk inside with him. It would be way easier on my arms to not carry him. But hey I managed and it got him to pretty much fall asleep. It was great. When he was still in the womb, he would fall asleep each time I walked as well.

Consistency is Key

fitness, goals, lifting, training

Hey yall,

So today was leg day. Yay! I’m so just kidding. I also used my new garmin vivoactive for the first time. I didn’t completely use it correctly because it took me a little bit to realize how to actually start the thing. I ran for over a little half an hour and felt alright about it. I’m not sure what got over me but I didn’t feel like it was a decent run. At one point I became positive it was just my mind getting to me. But I’ve been consistent all week with working out this week. The last few weeks have been crazy so it really messed with my schedule.

Leg day, oh leg day. It went really well. I’ll be not walking tomorrow but that’s OK. A girl saw me start in on lunges and was like hey you wanna walk lunges around the track with me. She didn’t want to do it by herself. I could tell she was a straight up jock. Don’t get me wrong, I know a lot of jocks and they are amazing people. However, some are crazy shallow and focused on themselves. It was interesting to workout with someone.


~Fitness Addict~

I’m Alive

family, fiance, fitness, goals, lifting, training

Hey yall!

I worked out yesterday and today. I promise! I just haven’t had time to blog with the crazy work schedule. Holiday hours are not any fun.

Anyways, yesterday I did intervals for twenty five minutes. Those are getting easier, which is promising. It was back day as well. However, my body building app was not cooperative and neither was the website. I was not very happy with that but after uninstalling it and reinstalling it, it has worked just fine. I just looked up my workout plan, since I knew what day I was on.


Today was chest and abs. I did not run because I had my graduate final and found studying to be more important. It went really well and I surprised myself with my increase on weights. I’m pumped with that for sure.


Tonight my fiance forced me to open my wedding present. He’s not known for patience. I’m so excited and happy with it. It’s a Garmin Vivoactive! I’ve never really wanted anything fancy like that and have always thought it was just what the crazy fitness people used. Turns out I’m one of those people now! I don’t care, it’ll make running and working out easier. It looks odd color in the photo but it’s black.


My fiance opened his as well and he got a pair of cowboy boots. I’m slowly converting him.

~Fitness Addict~